
Micropia website

Micropia website

Role: Visual design
Agency: Fabrique


Micropia is the only museum in the world revealing the world of microscopically small life. Microbes are essential in our world and in our bodies. To make this invisible world a bit more tangible, both the website and the museum show examples of how microbes play an important role in our daily routines. Whether you like it or not; they are in your mouth and on your toothbrush. Without microbes cheese and beer would not exist.

The website introduces the world of microbes and it's history by a couple of inspiring stories. More in depth information about microbes and phenomenon's can be found in the section 'Microbiology from A-Z'. The inspirational pages eventually lead to the practical information needed to visit the museum or buy tickets.

Micropia clearly positions itself not just as a museum but also as a platform, bringing together microbiology’s various stakeholders. The platform targets the line of development from school pupil, to student, to employee. For these target groups this platform is the place to find actual information on new discoveries and breakthroughs in this work field.


Exhibition: Kossman de Jong. Photo: Thijs Wolzak

Exhibition: Kossman de Jong. Photo: Thijs Wolzak

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